Midnight Flowers

There are clans existing in night spaces. Sworn sisters united often by lingo and by country of origin~ bonded by ties of kinship, and rooted by familiarity with culture and lifestyle. Sisterhood intrinsically offers basic benefits of security, and belonging. Living in a country not of one’s own, threats from bullies and unruly guests cannot be discounted; thus, having each other for consultation is a plus. What more, off days are earmarked by echoes of laughter and gossips, fun activities, temple visits, and home entertainment. In other ways, sisterhood offers fresh leads.

In the moonlight industry, there are also, the loners. Those who prefer to distance themselves from any group, class or caste. They toil alone, are resilient and they captain their own ship. They do not answer to anyone nor do they fancy forming bonds of kinship. Strong individuals who segregate themselves, only to be absorbed into their own humdrum life, lost in their own reverie, and wades through difficulties without a whimper or alarm.

There are obvious cultural differences that exist between clans from different countries, each having their own peculiar taste of fashion sensibility, and their own morale of what the service industry is about. And each clan caters to the degree of conduct deemed acceptable by their guests. Nevertheless, each clan offers different moods, colours, variety and fun. Between clans, there is friendly rivalry, yet sometimes, envy and enmity. Rules of conduct were never regulated. Thus, some pushes the limit and displays suggestive behaviour, amid scorns from those who find their conduct unacceptable. Whilst others puts on a brave smile, despite inside their hearts and thoughts, rains rivers of tears.

But day in, day out, these social workers, beit with or without clans or those belonging to different clans, scout in between tables looking for prospects who enjoys a little banter, their presence and their company. Sometimes they win, at other times, they lose. But many are brilliant face readers who could read through the pockets of strangers. When there are little or no guests, these social workers creates opportunities for themselves~ moonlighting outside familiar surroundings, luring their clients with them. Still, most return home to their abode once they feel intoxicated, while others enjoy comfort elsewhere, being pacified while sedated by promiscuous guests. There are those whose drinks were tampered with, and rights infringed upon, because they miscalculated the intentions of their guests. Whilst others had ridden safely home through trusted familiar associates, some had lewd images taken of them, and tips stolen.

Morning is a time to knock off remnants of hung over leftover from the night before. Most social workers spends their entire wake up period rolling on their bed communicating with ardent admirers, whereas others spends time watching video clips, wardrobe upkeep, personal grooming and workout routines. Despite it all, there are those who tend to their family needs both home and abroad, and entertaining lunch and dinner invites. Whereas the adventurous gamble, hoping to double their income. Many others took on other jobs to keep themselves afloat.

There is no right or wrong in the routes each of these women takes. But travelling thousands of miles for the sake of livelihood and survival, there must be stories these bravehearts carries. Still, they trod, amazingly resilient to all the risks, culture shock, immigration complications, alcohol burnout, and sexual harassment to name but a few. Many of them are single moms, both abroad and locally, when their hearts were fluttered with false promises of a good future. Their experiences taught some to be more vigilant but some still does fall for the charm of guests though their hearts told them not to do so. There are too many accounts of sob stories best known to themselves. But it still boils to a better life which everyone desires. But for the sake of their family, society should not be too quick to judge, and mean to deny them a good life, we ourselves want.

Such is their story.

Midnight flowers they are, clan, or no clan. When their luminosity fades during daylight, come twilight, again they will glow and sing inside the hearts of sick, desperate, and lonely men, in search of company.

Such is their story.

Yin and Yang

God gives us day, as well as night. There are those whose lives are totally clouded in darkness and there are those who were blessed by the morning sun. While the vultures encircle the litted sky, the nightingales tweet under the shadow emitted by the moon. Some may say it is a societal mismatch. But indeed, it is a camaraderie of Yin and Yang, the interplay of push and pull that tiptoes the checkerboard of humdrum living. Both are necessary. There is indeed no right or wrong, nor a norm, for good and bad is a choice which lurks at every corner, beit day or night. But societal norm has chosen to be indifferent. Where is that voice we need for the dark, and in the dark? Societal norm is a preference of the majority. That does not mean it is right.

When dawn dissolves the putrid air, there, we will find, a drunkard dozing besides the garbage bin, old people encircling the neighbourhood collecting waste, and the sound of snooze from the night workers, besides the cries of hungry babies. A new day begins.

An advice

Met a man in his early thirties a few days ago.
A good man while I was waiting for a friend. He saw me sitting alone on the kerb and so he approached me asking if I was in trouble because according to him, I looked distressed. I was not. He asked me if I was hungry and if I am he is willing to offer me some money for food though he says he doesn’t have much. He stays upstairs facing the apartment entrance lobby where I waited for my friend, and that he has observed me for awhile from his apartment before he decided to come down and approached me. And if he could help.

He walks with a limp with one ankle in bandage. I asked him about his limp. That was when he told me that he is recovering from a bad fall and showed me his injuries, one of which was on his spine which according to him, has undergone six operations. I asked him how he fell. He told me he jumped down from the flyover heading towards Penang bridge but did not die. For a second, I was stunned.

This man used to have a decent job as an executive in a factory. Until unbeknownst to him, he began to be inflicted with what he suspected was bouts of depression. Which forces him to do weird things. And gradually found himself incapable of helping himself.

He is sane in fact, unlike the perception I had of him which I had seen encountering some mental cases I have see in my course of living. I think this fall had him reflect back on the many good and some bad things he did in his past because he told me, a stranger, his many deeds. Which could be the consequence of him leaping down the flyover. He told me that each time he sees an animal being rolled over by passing cars, he will never hesitate to stop his car and give them a proper burial. He told me that one day he saw a piece of black cloth on the road with rusty nails inside. And after he cleared the road, that was when he began to have hallucinations and bad dreams . He reflected on many things he did when he was younger. And he thought everything that happened to him was a retribution. I think he was trying to discover the cause of his mental state of mind.

To me, I feel that he has done many good favours which far outweighs the menial things he did. In fact, I like this man, a lot. He asked me many questions which I am quite capable of discerning and help clear his doubts.

To me, here is a good man, maybe born to a poorer family but it is clear to me he suffers from something many people suffers from. Which is that he overthinks. Things like how money became the centre of living and what he can do with his life after the fall. Obviously he can’t go back to his previous job but I hope he will. I suggested Paralympics. But he told me he wasn’t keen on sports. I gave him hope and other options and try to clear his mind. And gave him some fatherly advice, the littlest I know about. He was sobbing as he recalled his life.

To cu the story short, never have I encountered such a good man with an indeed pleasant face. And a good heart. Though he isn’t as studious, I thought he deserve the best. I told him the next time I see him again, I want to see him as a young executive who has managed to pull back his life. After a failed suicide attempt which could not have been driven by his mental state but of things he touched. After so much goodness he has done for others. Even to me. It doesn’t matter if he is educated, or not as rich. But I thought to myself. That if I ever have a son, it would be him. For sure it would be him.

In our vicious world, a person like him would indeed be a blessing. It is indeed rare. Whilst others in the world goes through their humdrum life, here is a good man who outshines my shadow. Very unlike the many I know whom are selfish to themselves, striving for success which we can’t carry with us when we die, if we die. I salute this young man. Saved by his deeds.
And to the many younger generations outside, I wish to offer some advice. Our hand takes and holds, and our legs kick. If you ever see things lying besides or on the roadside or on your personal patio or the entrance to your home, never ever use your hand to pick it up. But you can use your leg to kick it aside. Charms are still abused by many people. But it cannot be transferred to you if you use your legs. But never ever use your hands.It sounds folkloric, but the practice did not change since thy kingdom come. Do not ever for once think you’d be protected because of your faith. Exorcism and deliverance applies to good people with strong faith.

I wish him the best.

Reforms Per Se

The outcome of our recently concluded six State elections provides a perfect impetus for the ruling unity government to drum in serious reforms before every effort to make better our country wilts under the sun, if that is the ultimate will of our Prime Minister (PMX) to sacrifice his good intentions for the sake of our country in the name of peace, stability, progress and harmony, and hopefully to be re-elected back into power after the cessation of his term.

With PN drumming in support from all corners during the ceramahs using race as their call card and PAS with religion, PMX has only one tool left in his disposal, which is the privilege access to the royals, which is a very powerful entity considering both the Agong’s and our Sultans’ profound wisdom and their over-riding constitutional power.

To induce the public, PMX needs a formidable team of ministers whom could swiftly formulate the changes needed in line with his vision~ not necessarily as promised, and if need be, a cabinet reshuffle. With due respect, this literally means culling leaders from his own coop besides the coop of his coalition partners who doesn’t possess the qualities and clout to implement wonders except for managing internal party matters~ and to be willingly replaced with compatriots whom are more able, capable and reliable.

The reason why disheartened Malays switched camps, shifting their votes from UMNO to PN and PAS instead of PH, is by and large, a racial and religiously motivated move which is perfectly reasonable because when voters are caught in the frenzy of things, one tends to side their own race first, before others. And that’s how the opposition design their strategy- by conditioning gullible voters into submission, firstly by projecting UMNO as a party tarnished by corruption, and then promoting religion as the alternative to corruption, besides alarming the Malays with imaginary threats from the infidels~ whilst portraying DAP as the ‘infidel’ that puppets the unity government, to win votes for themselves.

Coalition partner UMNO must also come to terms with their dwindling support and revamp their image tarnished by allegations of corrupt practices and succumb to seat sacrifices, at least tentatively, instead of insisting on candidacy in areas easily captured if PH especially through the DAP, were given a wider representation.

But beit a racially or religiously motivated move, the underlying concerns of the general public is one and the same. We all want a clean and efficient government lead by far-sighted leaders whom could deliver a stable progressive economy within the shortest possible time with laws which must be seen to be exercised, adhered to and acted upon, without fear or favour by an impartial Prime Minister.

As of now, there are many glaring issues which sticks out like a sore thumb, some for decades on end, all because ministers by and large, are the by-products of party loyalty and coalition quota but not selected based on their ability to lead, which resulted in some MPs infamous habit to draw attention to themselves by spewing nonsense in Parliament. Which is why parliamentary conduct, if possible, should also be reviewed.

Outline here are some inherent suggestions which may help revitalise the enthusiasm our citizens had towards the unity government currently in limbo due to unprecedented power play.

Reform 1-

Free Up the Judiciary

1. No matter how or what, our courts must be seen to be independent and impartial and thus, it should be protected from improper influences coming from other branches of the government or from private or partisan interests.

3. If not, the powers vested upon one individual alone who decides the outcome of high profile cases will always reflect badly on the Prime Minister made worse by the systemic financial dependence of the judiciary on the executives.

4. On the contrary, there must also be a series of checks and balances since co-dependency abounds between both the executives and the judiciary to deter the abuse of power and the possibility of corruption, if the courts are rendered too free and untouchable.

Reform 2-

Arrest Truancy & Impropriety in Parliament

1. Due to the impropriety of some MPs to mock each other not only in parliament but outside as well, the parliamentary privileges extended to them as expressed in the Federal Constitution should be repealed to make them accountable for every word said. Freedom of speech does not equal freedom to mock.

2. Besides, the PA system inside parliament should be muted at all times, with the main control concentrated on the Dewan Speaker’s rostrum, who gets to decide who gets to speak and who doesn’t by the press of a button. No need to contain their outburst anymore. If this cannot work, introduce straight jackets, mufflers and ejection seats.

3. The absenteeism clause found inside the constitution is frequently exploited over and over again by truant MPs as if there is no meeting quorum to fulfil, citing outside engagements as the main reason for their non-attendance when parliament is in session. To groom them to be more responsible MPs which is what they were elected for, naturally to sit in parliament and be the voice of the citizens, their yearly minimum attendance quota should increase to 80% (eighty percent) failure of which MPs seats should automatically be declared vacant to make way for by-elections.

Reform 3-

Make our Laws Accessible

1. Laws form the regulatory framework which cogs the wheel of daily iving. It affects everyone. Therefore, laws must be made accessible to the public so that every citizen is informed of their rights and limitations and no one including foreigners infringes upon its rules.

3. Besides blasting in the main media, access to our laws should be made through an official government ‘website’ initiative ‘free of charge’ together with an equally portable version eg. ‘mobile app’ translated into as many languages as possible.

5. The more user-friendly it is, the more it increases efficiency not forgetting the standard operating procedures when dealing with government departments eg. applying for licenses and contracts or when crime happens.

7. It is in turn a useful tool for the MPs, State Excos, councillors, and especially judges and lawyers if it is consistently updated to include all regulations and omissions besides repeals.

8. It should also include links to government authorities, legal firms and their representatives because one may never know when they need assistance or help when called for.

9. The general public should not be coerced back to rely on hard copies printed by some elusive institution each time life’s situations warrants accurate and immediate information. We want to know instantly our rights. We want to be guided, not hurdled through a series of AI generated answering machines and phone operators, neither do we like to be deflected to the chats that never got replied.

Reform 4-

Outlaw Race and Religion from Parliament

1. From the current developments, outlawing religion and race and the pure mentioning of it in Parliament and at the same time, outlawing political speeches inside places of worship seems ideal. Outlaw as well, if possible, race base and religious political parties.

3. For years, we have seen that whoever helms the federal government have that dainty task of appeasing the sensitivities of a multitude of races and religious beliefs and naturally, the religion that has the most taboos will gain the most in the name of harmony.

5. Outlawing both ‘race and religion’ once and for all, away from Parliament would mean the closure of regulatory ministries and bodies tied to them and redirecting of funds for purposes other than the celestial kind.

7. Let the disgruntled and fanatics seek audiences with their respective Sultans~ their divine head of religion of each state if they are unhappy. If you don’t starve them off now, they will become more radical, coercing believers to submit to their wishes citing verses in their religious books in vain.

8. Moreover, acquiescing to their demands will never win you praises. For whatever aid is giventh them is considered ‘divine intervention’ Irregardless of efforts from the unity government. To be blunt, they will give thanks and praises to their own God instead thus, you will never be able to appease the beneficiaries no matter how hard you try.

Reform 5-

Revamp our Education System

If there is one issue every citizen is concern about is our failing standard of education. Beginning with the setting up of schools by the missionary brothers, the downgrade of standards, teachers and the introduction of irrelevant subjects and policies had every parent scrambling to send their children to private schools if they could afford one. Either that or national type schools that has better records of students passing. Therefore, outlawing race and religion in Parliament and starving religious bodies from access to aids would also mean the automatic abolishment of religious curriculum away from schools better equipped with funds diverted for urgent transformation purposes.

a) Diet

Beginning with primary schools nationwide, studies have shown that diet plays an important role in brain development and one’s attentiveness thus, it should be the primary undertaking for our education ministry in collaboration with other ministries to work out and implement a standard diet for all national primary and secondary schools. It will involve:

1. The setting up of a nationwide school catering production service much like the catering system used by airlines, with prepacked meals equipped with desserts, drinks and cutleries with;

2. Dietitians and nutritionist helming the food program to ensure its nutritionistic value.

3. Daily meals should also cater to the different races but allowing students or teachers to interchange their meals at free will and;

4. The absorption of all school canteen operators into the system so that the current operators and helpers are ensured a means of income and;

5. A national school logistic system whereby meals reaches students on time. If possible, set up five catering facilities, one up north, one central and another at the south of our peninsular with one each for the states of Sabah and Sarawak. But if funds are available, by all means a catering facility for each and every state;

6. Close every village schools that has less than 100 students intake each year. It is not resource friendly to have a team of teachers sent to these remote areas when the enrolment is small. Instead, set up a village feeder bus service that could pick students up from their homes to the nearest better equipped schools and back. These national feeder bus service in certain countries is an open air hop-on hop-off minibus service that routes inside the village path to the nearest bus station and back. This is crucial as it overcomes difficulties in getting these meals across the many remote schools which is an unnecessary waste of manpower and delay. The education ministry have uses for all these teachers spilling out to fill in the lack created by teachers who goes on consecutive maternity leave which leaves certain schools without the benefit of replacement teachers. Maybe, there should be a regulation to curb consecutive pregnancies for teachers also.

b) Fair & Equal Equipments & Facilities

7. In some countries, each and every national school have ‘equal facilities’ and equally capable teachers. That means, if one school have two master degree holders, two photocopy machines, two air conditioners, five drinking fountains and a gymnasium, so must all other schools be equipped with the same.

8. This will in turn eliminate fussy parents from choosing and opting out of schools nearest to their home to better schools which would automatically free up roads from unnecessary traffic jams coming from all directions during peak hours;

c) Attendance, Attentiveness & Exams

To ensure high attendance and attentiveness in classes;

9. Have in place 10-15 objective tests questions ready after every topic of every subject. Reveal the answers instantly. That would make up for easier learning. Tests such as this should constitute 70% of overall marks and the remaining 30% are garnered through final exams. This would mean 70% is already the passing mark before the final exam arrives.

10. To be eligible to sit in exams, each student must reach a compulsory 80% school attendance.

11. In certain progressive countries, all it takes is Four (4) passes to be awarded a GCE O Level certificate and students who did not have the four required passes can;

12. Retake the exams in subsequent years concentrating only in subjects they did not do well in the previous sitting. That means, students do not need to repeat subjects they have passed. Furthermore, these marks as had been done in neighbouring countries, can be added to their previous certificate, of course with a new certificate issued.

d) Curriculum

There are four types of curriculum in schools namely sports, uniformed bodies, clubs and societies and performing arts beit musical instruments, acting or dancing.

13. Thus, each student is required to take up at least two out of the four types of curriculum offered.

e) University placement

Before we begin, be enlightened that it is poor excuse not to have enough seats in universities because it is the responsibility of every good government to ensure that every citizen has the right to education, not after class tuitions irrespective of age, race, religion or creed. It is not right to deny students whom have achieved the minimum possible scores in a field they wish to pursue because one only does best in a field of their own choosing. It is neither the government’s prerogative to decide who does what. Otherwise we should do away with quota for foreign students eating up spaces in the classrooms meant for citizens. As at now, it is shocking to learn that under-qualifiers gets placings. The outcome, compromised courses for those with lower brain cells to decipher at the expense of smarter ones. Otherwise how are they going to pass? Don’t we all want better informed citizens instead of relying on foreign expertise? This in turn eliminates the ‘brain drain’ effect whereby exceptional students were all pilfered by neighbouring countries simply because our education system cannot cope. Also, be aware that in this age of the internet, universities, even top ones had been reduced to become venues for administrative purposes, exams, and access to labs and curriculums.

14. That said, many universities nowadays have extended their reach to students registered with them FULL access to lessons within the comforts of their own home, much like home schooling and full certificates awarded to all whom have passed which in practice means;

15. Students are brought to the classroom’s online and teachers keeping a watchful eye of the attendees virtually, not available in a conventional classroom setting because of limited space;

16. Full time online teaching is different from external students or those who studies at their own pace and time.

17. In fact, even exams can also be conducted online whereby students are require to appoint a qualified lecturer of their choosing, submit their names and contact to these universities, date, venue and time the exams can be taken will be decided by the university, and the universities in turn will privately contact these facilitators who will invigilate these exams on behalf of the universities.

18. Because of the advent of AI (Artificial Intelligence), lessons in schools both for lower or upper secondary students as well as vocational and technical schools can use the same format; many of these lessons are akin to videos we see on YouTube which is both entertaining yet informative, all the more crucial in boring subjects like History and Geography. It might be surprising though not new, that competent teachers are now few and far in between and quite often, we hear of students correcting teachers in tenses. All these could be solved with the use of AI and videos.

f) School Uniforms

19. Replace our outdated and boring pinafores with Batik nationwide. Considering our warm climate, short sleeve Batik shirts should be the choice for the boys worn with colored shorts. Do away with long pants. As for girls, knee length Batik skirts over coloured polo t-shirts tops is best unless their religion calls for ankle length Batik skirts.

20. Let each school decide and adopt their own Batik pattern as their identity since there are many types in the market. The use of Batik will be a boon for our handicraft industries at the same time revive its cultural significance.

g) Encourage Co-Ed Primary Schools

21. Life is a coed. So it makes perfect sense for students to spend their innocent formative years learning how to grow up together and respect each other’s boundaries.

23. It instills a feeling of comradeship without elements of discrimination,

24. it breaks down gender misconceptions, and provides an excellent foundation for the development of realistic, respectful, meaningful and lasting relationships.

25. In later years, boys and girls grounded in co-Ed schools gain fresh perspectives from each other beit intellectually or socially, and helps them become more confident in expressing their views in the presence of members of the opposite sex.

h) Encourage meritocracy

25. In every nation, we needed both doctors as well as nurses, and inspectors as well as privates. We should not have top students studying to become nurses and lower grade students in turn, become doctors. We should not have top grade students holding secondary positions answering to their lower grade but higher ranking officers.

27. The reason why technical and vocational schools exist is to train support staffs to assist the studious. Therefore the difference between diplomas, degrees and PhDs.

29. If our quota system stays, we can’t instill competitiveness. We become a setback nation instilled with laziness where certain individuals will take for granted their studies simply because they know for the fact that even if they don’t do well in exams, seats in universities are offered to them with avenues for advancement in their studies and career, many a time hindered by racial quotas and cable pulling.

30. It is a national embarrassment which could be rectified if sacrificing for the nation is what governing is all about. Not tuition. Because tuition reflects poorly on the teachings students get from schools. Tuition only puts teachers ability in doubt.

Reform 6-

Standard Tax Rates for All

1. Implement a standard 10% (ten percent) tax rate for all categories of taxes nationwide beit import or export duties, (especially cars) individual or corporate tax, sales tax, custom and excise duties and all other taxes.

3. Low rates attract more investors into our country as was last seen in the glory days of Malacca during the reign of the first five Sultans.

5. If this could be done, the unity government will win the next general elections hands down because it will provide every rightful citizen the relieve much needed against our rising cost of living.

7. All of us are aware that our government debts has reached its peak but we are confident that the World Bank, International Monetary Fund and other creditors will relax their rules and welcome the changes spelt out since it is for the betterment of our economy.

8. All it takes is a win win negotiation by our PMXs. An affordable easy to calculate tax rate will also in turn jeopardise corruption at all levels as well.

Reform 7-

Electoral Remedies

1. Our government has to decide on a fair and equitable election spread throughout the country. As it is, the demarcation of electoral boundaries and fluctuations in voter populations poses doubts on equitable distribution.

3. Decide once and for all if a checkerboard boundary demarcation works better for the whole country whereby the whole country is equally chopped up into regular blocks having the same area irregardless of the number of voters residing in that area or should they be demarcated according to more or less an equal distribution of voter population.

4. After this exercise, we can expect lesser topographical gerrymandering and lesser voter volatility.

5. It has also always been a mystery to the general public why the army and police votes and their distribution has never been revealed and added into the vote tally beforehand despite voting earlier? This ambiguity when made known promotes transparency.

Formulating and implementing policy changes requires boldness, assertiveness and the personal believe that you are doing the right thing. It requires a lot of convincing and the support of coalition partners. Besides all the qualities aforementioned, the underlying concerns of the general public as repeated here is one and the same. We all want a clean and efficient government lead by far-sighted leaders whom could deliver a stable progressive economy within the shortest possible time with laws which must be seen to be exercised, adhered to and acted upon, without fear or favour by an impartial Prime Minister.

Thus, for as long as the reforms proposed is beneficial to the citizens and our country, it wouldn’t be an uphill task to redirect the misguided to see things your way.

Apart from the reforms stated, there are many more policies ingrained into our system which is far from right, therefore the loss in confidence towards our leaders, the result of sixty over years of leaders whom are more concerned with self interest than fixing what is not right. A lot of policies requires common sense than deep thought. There are reforms that require overlapping tasks between ministries. Cutting off red tapes is good. Using AI to cut off red tapes is good. But if our heads of department does not see things your way, nothing gets done.

Our unity government still has 49 months to implement these reforms before the next general election 16 arrives. Uncertainties may arise created by those who are always disruptive in the power game. But our PMXs must be reminded that our national security forces are at his disposal, to be put on alert before drastic measures are implemented. But do not sideline the need for our Sultans and Agong’s cooperation and consent.

Wish you good luck.

Kris Lee 2023.

#DSAI #DSAIPM10 #AnwarIbrahim #AnwarIbrahimPM10 #PrimeMinisterofMalaysia #financeministermalaysia


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Multiple Worlds

There are multiple worlds co-existing within our existence at the same time. Past, present and future worlds all hovering within, and possibly beyond our breathable air, and the day we as individual earthlings expire from this world would only mean that our soul would be teleported to another world and assume characters better equated to our understanding of what life is, without discounting heaven and hell as the two overtly emphasised extremities.

This hypothesis puts to rest the many mysteries surrounding sightings and events that went beyond the scope of normal scientific understanding, like how dreams appear when we’re in sleep mode, then dissipates the minute we open our eyes. It also explains how some people whom have passed off from this world eventually reappears, getting another chance at life inside a new womb years or decades later, after having spent some time exploring another world what is commonly termed as ‘reincarnation’ very much revered in Tibetan Buddhism.

Have you ever personally encounter writing objects mysteriously disappear from your own study table even though you could swear that was where you left it, and sometimes, reappears again years later? Can that be considered a form of reincarnation? Have you personally ever witness things that are not there like objects, shapes, people or light, feel movements on your body that is not real like bugs crawling on your skin or your internal organs are moving around, or smell things that do not exist, and hearing voices and sounds that no one else hears? These are medically termed as hallucinations as experienced by schizophrenia and bi polar disorder sufferers. But unlike hallucinations, have you ever heard of encounters with supernatural beings, some of disturbing form we termed as ghosts, others as gods and good spirits from another era even though you are of sound mind, is not on drugs of some kind and in perfectly good health? Have you ever wondered about fables and ancient stories of giants, gods and mythical creatures who lived amongst us now is no longer to be found? Have you ever watched documentaries of bizarre discoveries of objects so futuristic we have no explanation of its existence inside rubbles? How did they appear, then disappear like ships getting lost in the Bermuda Triangle? And the recent sightings of UFOs that appears and vanishes from behind clouds?

We were taught that a dot represents one dimension and a line is two. And objects that has form that could casts shadow as three. We then conveniently classify and group all ghosts and apparitions as fourth. But is there a possibility that there are more dimensions than those we are familiar with beside heaven and hell that we were taught about? Fifth dimension? Sixth? Are they countable? Where do they end?

Parallel universe is not a new hypothesis but has limited following. It is a theory denounced and kept away by the religious who repeatedly stress on the two extremities, believing only in heaven or hell, and to Catholics, keeping all the souls of unbaptised infants and the just who passed off before the coming of Christ into a place called ‘limbo’ ~ without wanting us to take comfort for the fact that there are many other plains of existence co-existing amongst us at the same time.

To be teleported from one existence to another, we needed to die or sleep, and with it, opens an escape window or a door which routes us to another space and time, depending on where we fit in (and not only the good to heaven and the bad to hell as we are conditioned to believe) ~ very much like the apps on our phones or channels on our television where with just a click, we are teleported and transported to another plane of activity. The movie ‘Everything Everywhere All At Once’, offers a glimpse of what multi verse means similar to what is stressed here.

Science has taught us to believe that all it takes is to build faster spaceships to frontier our universe in search of intelligent life which might take millions of light years to reach and perhaps another thousand years of advancement in technology. To them, it is an inter-galactic thing. That other existence is found in other galaxies. But is it possible that these different existence coexist in the same plane in this lifetime in this universe, much like frequencies of a radio? Doesn’t that explain the age old Chinese believe that when our spirits are low, we’d encounter ghosts? Still, to enter or exit one frequency, we needed an opening. That door or window which hovers amongst us but is invisible to us, but through that opening or openings in the sky or sea or land or in the back of our mind, is where the UFOs and apparitions say hello to us, and sometimes vanishes, not only our pens and eraser, but cars, and ships as well. And that door or window that hovers in the atmosphere acts as the app to these different planes of existence? So where is that door or window located? Could there only be one door? Or multiple doors? Do they have a fixed location just like the Bermuda Triangle or are they always hovering but scattered around the globe? Is there a time they appear or disappear? Or are they found in the back of the minds of every living being? Which is how that period of inactivity as we sleep is when we’re entering an unknown frequency which allows us to dream? And a deeper slumber known as death is when we enter a new plane of existence never to return? If it is an inter-galactic thing, we would be able to dream, traverse to that space, play our episode and then escape from it all in a night’s of sleep, wouldn’t we?

Although it isn’t wrong to belief in heaven and hell, and the believe in God as the creator of all life and the world, it is not plausible enough to explain all the paranormal facets and mysteries of life that leaves us boggled till today not unless we keep an open mind.

Because one day after death, you might just be a shepherd thriving in the desert, and I might be one of those heroic characters reliving the historical novel ‘Romance of the Three Kingdoms’.

Again there is yet another unexplained mystery and sightings, mostly horrible and ghostly, of spirits living amongst us, scaring many out of their wits in dark alleys and abandoned abodes in the darkest of nights, of those who succumbed to tragic accidents and deaths where the souls of victims did not deport. The Catholics has a term for it when describing the killing of Cain and the ‘Massacre of the Innocents’. What is commonly known as ‘souls that cries out to heaven’. And many Asian families vehemently perform rites of vengeance through mediums, summoning these tragic souls to seek revenge and relief against the unknown perpetrators which they believe is the rightful thing to do before these unfortunate souls can be teleported to the rightful new world. The Chinese on the other hand has rites in ode of these tragic souls where offerings were left at the roadsides in particular nights and the Gates of Hell is opened. It is on the seventh month of the lunar calendar what is known as the ‘Hungry Ghosts Festival’. The question to ask is why can’t tragic souls find the window or door out to another world? Or have they and this is just a belief? And are all their perpetrators lined up straight towards hell?

As a footnote, science has uncovered that the structural and functional unit of all living beings are made up of cells. These cells consist of proteins, which are a type of molecule, together with water, which is another molecule, and other elements which all made up different molecules. And molecules are really a collection of atoms. Water is composed of Oxygen and Hydrogen atoms, and proteins are made of Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, as well as other different component parts. Therefore, the molecules that makes up the cells of the body are really vibrating atoms which when collided or dispersed could shape-shift as we assume the life of another being we are destined to.

Just my two cents.

Astaka Tanjung Bungah

(Please give our State government a break)

It is ironical that certain parties thought that the rm900 per month stall rental is unjustifiable and unreasonable. Have they forgotten the cost of tearing and replacing the once poorly maintained open-air hawker centre with the current handsome crown jewel smacked right in the heart of Tanjung Bungah? Rm900 per month equals rm30 a day, hardly matching up with the current market worth. And it is crucial to balance the rental disparity between the privately owned coffeeshops and food courts with State owned astakas. If these protestors thought it high, still expecting the rates to be a flat pittance of rm36 monthly or rm1.20 per day, I would encourage our State Government to retract back their licences and award them to others whom are wiling to pay, not like the existing tenants could not afford it. Otherwise, convert these under-utilised astakas statewide into ‘Durian Hubs’ or fruit market. The agriculture and tourism industry will thank you for it.

And to the under-informed band of people who never stop hallucinating back to the crown colony era, please understand, there is no such thing as a free lunch anymore in this world. What more, subsidies paid with our taxpayer’s money should only benefit the needy, not the able competing for welfare. Worse, blokes who feel that they are entitled to milk the cow because they thought they owned the cow. When the State lends a hand, it does not mean that after they have given you the airplane, must they also provide you with the fuel and the pilot. Which is why the monthly licensing fee is totally outdated and exploited by the disgraceful and thick skinned.

To practically pay zero rental but profits from an entire plate of char koay teow or mee goreng which if you cost it with one drink works out to an average of rm8 to rm15 per person is a TOTAL ripoff! Simply because the nett profits extracted from one single plate already overrides the overheads and daily rm1.20 rental. And how long already has this been going on? If one were to recce the stalls at these Astakas, one will realise that these food operators are laughing their way to the bank not counting the famous ones patronised by tourists. So, stop pampering them if we want to see progress. The way to move forward is not to soften your stance. After the airplane had been given, these operators must be made to realise that they need to pay for the fuel themselves and hire their own pilot if they can’t discipline and train themselves to be one. Otherwise, give up.

And the problem doesn’t end there. Because of the puny rental, some tenants took it easy opening and close their stalls as and when they feel like. And some close for months on end. Why? Simple. Because it is too cheap and holding the license makes them the towkay. As a result, pockets of unopened stalls are littered everywhere. Besides this, there are the smarter (but apparently could not afford the higher rental) tenants who became landlords by subletting their stalls out. Some uses them as personal storerooms. So, honestly speaking, do we need to succumb to all these hullabaloo?

Is it unreasonable to request that these tenants abide by set operating rules, procedures and working hours and install auto alert signals if stalls did not open on time so that fines could be dispensed with? How are the State to deal with undeserving blokes who successfully obtain licenses through backdoor favours?

If we desire tenants to work hard so that our famed street food would not be seen as mediocre, let them pay for the full rental of rm900. No two ways about it. And up all the rest of food operators at the wet markets as well. Statewide.

At the private coffee shops and food courts, tenants are currently forking out rm40-rm160 daily for each stall depending on location, variety and parking availability. These coffee shops compete amongst themselves for full tenancy and crowd by offering other add-ons eg. class in-house washing of plates, free entertainment, cheaper drinks. Yet, there is hardly any inconsistencies felt in the food pricing statewide eg. a plate of char koay teow, or even laksa , which means those who set up stalls at these private food courts and coffee shops would need to work harder to cover their overheads against those that are set up in astakas which is practically ‘zero’.

And so, that gets all of us curious. Who are these protestors who could not afford a rm30 per day of rental? And why are they protesting? I felt the state government should just take the bull by the horns and address this issue once and for all. Stop the handouts. Softening your stance again only benefits these opportunists. Not the taxpayers. Why the rm2k startup cost when furniture, fittings and furnishings had been provided for not forgetting the signage and beautiful landscaping? Be aware where your votes comes from.

We want strong creative leaders. Not weak ones.

Most Used Device

“Being educated does not guarantee success. However, it does confer one with power and position to lead, and with that, opens up the biggest door to wealth, which is the abuse of national coffers.

It is the colonialists most used device to put us in our place, by implying that we are not fit to run our own country. Let them. And until we are educated enough, we can only be ball pickers. Till then, they will decide our future for us. Land banks, business opportunities and promotions almost always landed on the laps of their cronies lounging at their exclusive clubs. Memberships were never opened to locals unless by invitation. As for the rambunctious lads, admittance to these clubs were through the kitchen back doors, waiting or helping, literally speaking, feeding off scraps leftover at the dining tables. And that is how we in the third world ended up with the perception that the key to progress and a better life lies in education~ despite the fact that our country has minted so many self made philanthropists whom had never been to school. That marks the beginning of the paper chase.

To the indispensable Chinese whom the colonialists were always cautious and weary about because of their hardworking, industrious but generous nature (whom have donated much to the building of roads and other civil amenities), it became an endeavour to get their children educated. They toiled the embankments and scorching fields only to pour every single cent of their hard earned savings back into formal education. They really believed in it. But vocational colleges let alone universities apart from mission schools were few and far in between. Even if there is one, they were conveniently set up to make up for skill shortages. So, they had to send their children’s abroad. Consequentially, with so much money invested into overseas education, there were hardly any left for other pursuits let alone what the colonialists feared most- seizing of power or revolting against them. How understated could that be.

But the colonialists knew the Chinese well enough to know that their favourite pastime is gambling. To usurp back what the Chinese had earned from lucrative trading, the colonialists went on to introduce the ‘Sport of the Kings’, and opened up four turf clubs throughout the length and breath of Malaya including one in Singapore which was the earliest in 1842 and encouraged legalised betting. In territories like Hong Kong, not only did horse racing became a favourite pastime, citizens were deliberately burdened with soaring property prices thus, whoever made house ownership a commitment would have been kept busy for one lifetime and generations to come. That conveniently deters the Chinese from revolting. With that, the colonialists remains in control, whilst depleting our resources.

They even controlled a network of world regulating bodies for the trading of stocks, commodities, liquified petroleum and precious metals so that they could buy them cheap when they needed them and carried on plundering. Because they knew that without wealth, even with education, we can’t possibly opened up multinational industries or refineries worldwide like what they had already done. All we could do is to follow and work for them. And so like rats, we’d forever be lured eventually following the pied piper into the river. That is what education did to us. One gantang for us but a hundred gantangs for them

Until lately, the Chinese came along.”

Left Hander

I was born a left hander.
It was only after I entered pre-school that my mom, having noticed that I gripped the pencil with my left that she changes it to right.
No wonder I scored higher in creativity, imagination, visualisation, “daydreaming”, rhythm and intuition, now I begin to wonder if my life could have been the same had I not consent to the flip!
But the remnants of my left handed ness still persists, whenever situations entail me to carry things, or to hold something steady.
I just learnt that how people became right-handers is a genetic mutation in our distant past which causes the language centres of our human brain to shift to the left hemisphere, effectively causing right-handedness to dominate 90% of our world.
Oh well… in other words, my mom mutated me to blend in with the majority 😬!

MADANI bed bugs

It appears that every government agency, instead of imposing upon their own tardiness, now has their own incriminating guidelines on proper dress codes meant for the public to adhere to, which at best incriminates upon the MADANI concept the Prime Minister is inculcating. So where may we know is the MADANI essence when the smell of puke aligns it’s vision which is
“To build a sustainable and prosperous Malaysia based on care and compassion, mutual respect, innovation, and trust, where inclusiveness and equality are embraced by the whole nation – ultimately a just Malaysian society”?

I believe no one needs to be taught the concept of properness in restrained behaviour and dressing if we are summoned by relevant departments to facilitate important appeals, applications, and approvals and no one at their level best given their circumstance they are in, would try to infringe upon the dress codes which would translate into unfavourable decisions and delays in awarding licenses and government contracts besides encountering difficulties in clearing up government matters, bills etc. But already, there have been mindless cases of discrimination being videotaped, to show us what it is like in dealing with emergencies~ where the police and hospitals shows no remorse nor mercy trying to insist that ‘distressed victims of robbery, accidents, rapes and kins of patients should adhere to guidelines if not nothing would be done for them? Is it really that a rape victim must go back home, groom themselves as if they had not been raped before a police report can be made? And next of kins telling a stroke patient to wait till they get a bath, dressed up properly, find themselves a decent pair of shoes or chances are the hospital wouldn’t admit them? What kind of mindless society have we entrap ourselves into?

In reality, it is in our society’s opinion nothing but lame excuses to deflect responsibilities and workload suspiciously mechanised by invisible hands to infuriate and inconvenience the general public into believing that the Anwar government is not the best government one could have. So when may I ask is the government going to descend upon these little little minute Napoleons whom are trying their level best to hijack his MADANI relevance with their own version of law and order? Where then is the Madani spirit of care, compassion, mutual respect, inclusiveness and equality going to? And when will this silliness end?

Uniforms and dress codes is important for those of us who works in government departments and agencies, schools, uniformed bodies, hospitals, jails, factories and service industries to distinguish themselves from the public. They are worn also to differentiate between the blue and white collar workers, to divide the ranks and files according to hierarchy, statuses and responsibilities of each working individual. It also helps to assists the public in identifying one authority from the other. But targeting dress codes for the general public instead?

For as long as decency does not infringe upon indecent exposure, where is that thin line that clearly distinguishes between what is considered decent and what is not? And whose uncouth libido do we use as yardage? Do these little Napoleons ever realise that comparing the length of skirts, slits and tops to their misaligned imagination is offensive against women-hood whose rights to be covered is now infringed upon by those who thoughts are even more murky than a smelly drain?

This issue which was a non issue then , should now be urgently addressed by our esteemed and capable Prime Minister in all fairness to be complied by all relevant bodies and ministries. Decide once and for all, who wears a tie and who doesn’t Decide a penalty for all front-liners who cultivate such indifferences. Get rid of the bed bugs now lining your mattress. These are the littlest we ask of you.

Dear US

Stop policing the world as if it belongs to you. Stop believing that only you are the saint whereas everybody else is evil. You have been very intimidating, fearful, paranoid, suspicious and presumptuous over every little good effort others has contributed to the world. And you are convinced that only you are right but others are wrong. We have heard of narcissistic personality in people but one entire country?
Open up your mind to the exotic idea that indeed there will always be fundamental differences between the East and the West so be fascinated with our uniqueness. Kungfu is different from boxing. You gave the world science but we taught you spirituality. If you claim others have transgressed your technology, so did you our Gods’, paper, gunpowder, silk, porcelain and tea. Have you forgotten you have been praying to an Asian God by the name of Jesus who taught you the second most important commandment which is ‘to love your brothers as I have loved you’? And so, be courteous and grateful. Your history says it was the Chinese migrants who painstakingly built the transcontinental railway throughout your entire country. Maybe you could learn a thing or two from us how we have learnt from you. And btw, technology transfers didn’t happen overnight. Your American companies including Apple wanting to exploit China’s cheaper labour went in full force to set up factories there so you could earn more profit. China didn’t say you must!
Right now, the whole world knows why you have wilfully wedged yourself in between mother & child countries and rife up their relationship. And it is not because of economy. The real reason is so that you could set up two more military bases both in Taiwan and Ukraine closest to your nemesis China and Russia to add up to your USD3trillion yearly budget of 750 over military bases worldwide by pretentiously acting as their bouncers. And your show of might would also translate to the disposal of outdated arms and armament ready to be shared by EU, Australia and Japan. Dear US, you can’t forever be so predictable. It’s humiliating.
I would urge you to adventure around in our terrain and be fascinated by the wonders of our ever graceful friendliness. Watch how graceful Shiva is carved in stone at the Angkor Wat. Observe the teaching of Buddha. Learn our customs, get used to our traditions, learn the art of genuine handshake, and treat others fairly if you want others to treat you fairly. But we don’t force you to accept our ways or our systems. Learn not to be upset if we do things differently from you.
To us ordinary civilians, it doesn’t matter to us which country is the economic power. It only matters to us that everyone has the right to live, has enough food to eat, clothes to wear and have a roof over our heads. It matters to us that every person has their fundamental right to education, transportation, and access to medical facilities when in need. And we want peace with every other nation. And we want to see the word ‘Alien’ being replaced by ‘Foreigners’ in all US arrival halls. And maybe one day, you’ll learn how to point your guns at the sky instead of your neighbours because the real intruders as you’ll discover in the end, are the asteroids and meteors crashing down to earth. Not your neighbours.

Connecting the Dots

< Connecting the Dots >

“When we witness an all familiar scene flashing across our eyes, when we conjure images at the back of our minds listening to others, when we dream…, these auto-reflexes are how we react to our sub-conscience, sending our subtle body out for another bout of astral travelling, tying our past, present and future up into one matrix happening within the same plane. And if our subtle body is capable of separating and exploring beyond our physical form, as noted by Lobsang Rampa in his book ‘The Third Eye’, fast forwarding or backtracking time to trigger magical occurrences such as dreams and déjà vu’s, so is everything conceivable in our world formed out of built energies ~ vibrating atoms capable of zigzagging, travelling and reorganising itself asserting to the fact that indeed, we all lived in a parallel universe alongside different civilisations beit from the past, the current or present or from the future.

According to the theory of the block universe, the past, present and future exists or happens simultaneously. And one dimension is the shadow/projection of another. Though science have not determined that dreams, imagination and déjà vu’s are the fourth dimension reflected against our three dimensional world, and whether or not there are any other dimensions besides these few, just how close or far we are to these civilisations will depend very much on our capability to traverse through space and time which conventionally would take millions of years cramping and hovering inside tiny space crafts.

Till today, mankind have uncovered futuristic artefacts clearly misplaced in earlier civilisations that has left experts baffled eg. Sanxingdui, The Disc of Sabu etc. not to mention encounters of the third kind and hieroglyphics images carved in stones, evidences confirming that aliens co-existed, and we indeed do have company. Distant cousins whom differs in looks, outlooks and intelligence given their technological breakthroughs, possibly hovering on differing wavelengths or planes of existence, thought to be suspended within this same vast infinite space.

Modern science since the 60s had mankind searching for life beyond earth. And since then, humanoids have launched outer space missions sending signals as far as the sounds could reach throughout our entire solar system, in search of our blood brothers. But it remains to be seen if we could scout the entire galaxy, with millions or more galaxies scattered around the universe, relying on our primitive capabilities. The size of our galaxy alone is estimated to be 100k light years wide. And because of that, we may never be able to explore even its entire perimeter given one lifetime. It would take us hundreds of generations to perform that task let alone they. Where they come from, we do not know. But they have reached our solar system, astonishingly survived breathing our air, and left their artifacts and spaceships behind. Based on these factors and the block theory, it is not far fetched to believe that our different civilisations stacks up like a cat ladder, one on top of the other, hovering on different wavelengths, with heaven at the topper-most and hell below. And because we have spent a lifetime searching for them to no avail, it is possible we are searching for them in the wrong plane or wrong wavelength. Only to meet them appearing and vanishing suddenly in our sky, just like how our dreams appear and vanishes in an instant.

So, what we humans need is not a more powerful telescope or spacecraft, but a newer technology which enables us to open up the sky and cross each or every civilisation with ease, within a flash. A doorway that opens perhaps one plain of civilisation to the next besides it. It’s behaviour is akin to the thumbnails on our phone screen whereby one touch of a thumbnail will lead us to different application systems. Therefore, for us to reach these civilisations, we need to build a doorway for each of them, or one doorway access to all. That doorway will bridge us to them and compresses all the infinite space found in the universe within its threshold. In simple terms, if let’s say there are only ten civilisations that existed, imagine ten mirrors surrounding the circumference of our Earth, and by entering one mirror would draw us into one particular civilisation. This is the kind of technology we need rather than traversing the vast infinite space. What we don’t realise is, the aliens have already built their invisible doorway floating in our sky to visit us. And anytime any aircraft passes through it, it would be sucked and drawn into a time tunnel leading us to their civilisation. My guess is that their doorway happens to be located where the infamous ‘Bermuda Triangle’ is. That is the doorway they uses to reach us which remains invisible to mortals like us till this day.

The next big question is how do we traverse to these parallel universes not unless death sets in. Because that may be the only time besides dreams and déjà vu that our soul will step out from our lifeless body and enters one of the numerous mysterious doorway.

I too believed that amongst all the doorways is one doorway which opens up to Hell and that is where one will cease to exist, being consumed by fire. But if one is an average God loving person depending on one’s ability to understanding the concept of mankind, one’s soul would be routed into one of those doorways and there one will continue to live, albeit in different forms and on a different astral plane. And I believe that reincarnation also happens when one is shuffled back into Earth’s doorway. And with this solves one of the greatest mysteries of life on earth. In other words, one will never die lest he or she is sent to Hell. And if one is good, one will live forever, just like what God promises, without elaborating that one would be hovering from one plain of existence to another. The day we die is the day one gets zig zagged around the different doorways of civilisation. Thus, there is no need for mankind to further explore space or even attempting to build the doorway. It will appear in front of us the day we die, as many near-death experienced individuals have attested ~ that they were led to walk towards a doorway. So, it is already there.

God has already built it. For us.”

⁃ Kris Lee 2023.

Wild Accusations

Americans must be easily deceived to believe that China needs to send a balloon the circumference which is the length of three car across the North Pacific, to spy on their continent when they are not short of sophisticated satellites. Not a very smart move ain’t it to send something so visible when one should remain hidden if one wants to stalk on others? Even more incredible is that their commander in chief said it was hovering at an altitude of 60k ft or 12 miles high which on a normal day with clouds and dust particles in the sky, no one, not even those who filmed it in Montana could see it with their naked eye? Look. Homemade video evidences are all over. And then, without allowing China it’s right to defend your accusation, you had it shot down. Why? When your general said it poses no risk to its citizens? To erase evidences and not allow China to defend themselves after accusations had been thrown at them? How could your general be so sure an alien balloon poses no risks? Have his explosive experts inspected it? Why again allow it to hover across the Pacific? You did not detect something so big on your radar screen then? You said it was manoeuvrable. So why don’t you cooperate with China to have it removed from your air space? To justify your right to infringe Chinese airspace the same way you infringe their Taiwan straits?

For Love’s Sake

How some women ended up feeling empty in their relationships is because they like to impose conditions and expectations before getting serious with their partner. And are prepared to forsake love if their requirements are not met. They did not marry for love’s sake alone, the so called ‘unconditional love’, or attempt to walk the journey of adventure, of discovery and of acceptance. They marry to please themselves.

Many tied materialism with love. Craftily scheming for the bungalow and Mercedes their friends have without wanting to strife for it. And when they finally got married to a partner who have all that they possibly wanted, and their contribution to the relationship is a meagre suitcase, they compromise on pertinent matters which includes compatibility. Thus when the toil and strife and involvement which makes relationships complete, sweet and fulfilled aren’t there, the void they feel is very real, just when they thought their anxiety is over.

And that’s why God always emphasise on unconditional love. Something they can’t give. Nor accept. Though it is gospel truth.

Ego or Spirit

A person is either led by ego or by spirit.

When a person is led by ego, it simply means that they believe peace, love and happiness only happens after they have surrounded themselves with everyday material things they possibly ever wanted. And so their endeavour in life, or in friendship is to surround themselves with people whom they think can help them accomplish their goal or be of benefit to them. Otherwise, they’ll keep a distance.

If a person is led by the spirit, they believe that everything will fall into place once they have found love. And with love, nothing is too hard to accomplish. Beginning with peace and happiness.

We will not get anywhere with a partner who thinks otherwise of us.

As Christians, we are all called to be led by the spirit. And with spirit comes love. Our bible preaches love. And Jesus did famously once say that ‘Love is Enough’. So are two lines of God’s Ten commandments which Moses carried down from Mt Sinai. And if we could all trust in the spirit to guide us, so it was promised that love, peace and happiness would eventually flow into our lives. Some are even convinced that it doesn’t stop there. It includes trivial things that matters to many, like materialism.

However, in today’s society, the ego led far outweighs the spiritually guided. The same woman who squats up and down the pew every weekend year in year out to give praise and thanks to God is ironically the same woman who wouldn’t tie the nuptial knot with a man who could only offer them a glimpsed hope of financial stability. They will reason with him why love is not enough and that they couldn’t be possibly feeding on sunshine and fresh air alone. Any man who professes their love without backing up with financial stability to them is not being realistic. This same woman will forgo character faults and imperfections for as long as the man is rich enough. Even if the man is taken.

And thus, one ponders if their faith in God is grounded without so much as trusting in God’s words? And why go church then to give thanks and praise when his words they refuses to heed? Are the teachings of the church to blame? Having faith is one thing. But being spiritual is another.

Churches may have grown bigger and bolder in size. But did the faith of the laities grow in tandem? If not, why then must it outgrow its waistline if it bleeds in contrast to the meekness and humility of Mary, the bedrock and mother of the church which Peter was assigned to build? The church has fallen under the weight of naivety, and hypocrisy is central to its sin. Old wine will certainly burst in new skin. It has grown in darkness because it manifests the shallowness, and understanding of its laities. There are many eggs around but what’s the use if they are all rotten? For a good tree will bear good fruit. And a bad tree, bad fruit. Does this explain the attitude of parents who discourages their daughters to marry the poor? Or that the parents are merely being protective therefore they are proactively guiding without understanding that the ways of the world are not God’s ways?

If you ask me, right now as I am deep in my thoughts, I think that women who latches onto men for material comfort a.k.a. ‘Conditional Love’ instead of genuinely loving him for love’s sake, is going to wean herself off once the milk and honey no longer flows. Facing with that kind of situation, it is better for a man to stay single, work hard and stay happy than being married to a miserable woman who nags and craves for something more than the intimacy of hearts, but are not willing to strive through hardship together.

This explains how a women who is ego led, who surrounds herself with material comfort, will keep on searching for happiness in her relationship. Because if she could recall, she wasn’t acquainted to the man just for love alone. So her relationship sad to say, has no substance. And there’s always emptiness in her heart and a void in her soul. And bless all the woman who took the leap for love and toiled with him till success rains down from heaven. Because to this kind of woman, the promise of God is always there, for as long as one is spirit led.

The speaker of truth has no friends.

And I am a purist.

If the same consolation is used year in year out, that all have sinned, maybe the church should be reminded that it had already been two thousand years. Is the church thriving on sin to remain relevant? Or should the laities stay uninformed so that the mystery of the holy trinity remains till perpetuity? And hypocrisy is allowed? If all have fallen thus the need for God, then why single some people out over your own self and nail them to the cross when it should be your own bitchiness that should be nailed? To pacify your imagery holiness as gatekeepers of heaven? My ember did not fade. I was also chosen by God and not by you. And my blood still runs. And for as long as my grey matter still works, I will still continue to unravel the mysteries of the unpleasant. And for as long as I can reason correctly, no, I won’t return to church.

I don’t need it.

Merry Christmas.

The Progressives Against The Regressives

There now exist two large group of voters in our country. The progressives, usually from the bigger towns and cities who thought all the races should integrate, and the regressives, usually sub-urbanites and village dwellers whom are against it.

To the progressives, each and every race has its own strength and goodness. And if all the races could work together and integrate, they believe that our country would forge forward faster and become stronger because unity as they say, is strength.

As for the regressives, their rejection towards social integration is chiefly marked by their fear of losing out in competitiveness when measured against other races, whereas others fear that their ‘special position’ could be weaned off in time, which of course is imagery because their rights are embedded inside our constitution. Amongst those regressives are the ones who did not approve of social integration not because they fear, but because they have benefited from the handouts giventh them by those in power and there are those who thought their special position is a good option, as security for their childrens’ or own failure, but still were absorbed into the civil service. Because of reasons such as these, most will protect their special positions at all costs. So much so that it becomes a target for exploitation by irresponsible politicians and racists parties; by sowing hatred to garner votes~ that this land belongs solely to them, thus power sharing is non-negotiable.

In the minds of these regressives, they’d rather abstain from voting than to hand them to multiracial parties or parties that associate themselves with other races. That explains how a third of Malays did not vote this time round. But for those who did, they move in flocks and shifted to another stable, but again of their own kind, giving alternative racist parties an unexpected vote boost. Unlike the Chinese and Indians, these ultras are not comfortable with multiracial parties or Malay parties that associate themselves with other races, but that is how it is.

It is difficult to comprehend their simplistic view. But blood is nevertheless thicker than water. Unlike the Chinese and Indians who hast giventh their core representation, MCA and MIC, the boot a long time ago for being self enriching rather than standing up for their rights. To these ultras, a single corrupt minister does not make a corrupt party be. And when it comes to push and shove, they will continue to vote for others from within the same party until it is proven that the majority within that same party is corrupt before they collectively shift their votes.

Co-existing within this flummox exists the religious fundamentalists whose unequivocal reverence to their God has veiled their perception of the world. To them, utopia means getting this country to adapt to their way of life because to them, only one God exists, is all perfect and so, should his teachings never be wrong. This concept of tuning to God for solutions and ramifications appeal to many a believer. Settling first in the east coast, the once tiny blot now stains the entire region and beyond. To the religious, their popularity is an exoneration by God and an affirmation by the people that they are doing something right. The consequences, they have built many religious schools to groom their young whilst blinding them against all things un-Islamic. With one anomaly. Right or wrong, these youngs ended up venerating these religious heroes to cult like status, ready to do at will what is commanded them at the flick of a finger which explains the recent online spat splattered with blood spewing threats that led to the nationwide road block which beckons one to question if the curriculum and syllabus taught are deviant? If so, who are governing these kids?

Anything else is beyond the comprehension of the country. But if we tie these fundamentalists with the regressives, the potent may be lethal if and when exploited by ruthless racists and religious bigots who carelessly incite hatred for their own political gain. Because every Malay is a Muslim, it is futile for anyone of us to compromise their race and religion. The remedy, charismatic moderates learned enough to coax and allay their fear of progress through rightful interpretation of their holy books.

Statistics will reveal lot. And whoever wanted a more cautious explanation should scrutinise the statistics and make up of each state within every electoral constituency, weighted against age groups and margin of losing. Except for certain seats which in no uncertain way fell by a bigger margin to heavyweight candidates, it will be comforting to know that there are as many progressives as there are the regressives, staring at each other from the opposite side of the poles. Same religion, different outlook at life. Just what went wrong?

Many progressive city-folks have made good progress convincing their kampung elderly to embrace change; whilst the lest successful were chastised, resulting in family divides. But the hard question staring at us in the faces is are there anything to correct? Or should our Islamic and education ministry make more effort to monitor these schools besides devising newer curriculums and syllabuses to be placed directly under the purview of the respective sultans and governors whom constitutionally happens to be the rightful head of their religion? One thing is for sure. If the regressives and fundamentalists are comfortably left to themselves, sooner than later, these pseudo religious bigots will ruin and reign over our lives and our country will backslide in contrast to the wish of our Agong which is to unite and progress for a better Malaysia.

That’ll be unfortunate.


For those not in the know, ministers positions in our cabinet are not spelt out inside our Federal Constitution. And so is the DPMs position. In our Societies Act, a deputy’s position has always been a position ‘without’ portfolio. Specifically, it is not a key position, and the job function is mainly to assist the busy head of a club or society or PM in executing his duties. At best he becomes the acting PM until the tenure is over just in case the PM for some reason or another, cannot complete his term eg. due to death. At worst, the DPM is being given nothing to do.

Inside Anwar’s cabinet, all his DPMs including him holds two positions. Since they are taking a salary cut, holding two job functions means they are executing two duties side by side for the price of one. It is a very smart move to ensure his DPMs still earn their full pay and since it is a unity government, PHs election manifestos will also take a setback, because Anwar now has to share the government with other component parties whom may not hold the same ideology as PHs, thus Anwar also needed to sacrifice the many seats which could very well be distributed to his own deserving loyalists, if not for the hung Parliament.

(I believe that his component parties have also all agreed to have it pro-rated acccording to the number of seats each party garner, therefore the one seat Muda earns is hardly significant to deserve one full ministerial position inside the cabinet.)

As the Prime Minister, we can all agree to disagree that Anwar doesn’t need any other portfolios. But Anwar did, hang on to Finance, because someone needs to police the illicit cash outflow streaming out of our country causing severe monetary loss. And he took it upon himself a job that could risk offending many parties. For those not in the know, Anwar is one ‘Mr Clean’ seldom encountered in the history of Malaysian politics. And because of his nature, no robbers would want him in the way and thus, many prefer to work with PN. History has proven that Tun M needed to pin Anwar down with fabricated sodomy charges because they found nothing on Anwar that they could use to boot him from his position. Anwar also went against Tun M’s idea of giving ICs to refugees just to win the Sabah elections, which made Tun M suspect him as a traitor to Umno, a liability to his cabinet, and a threat to Tun’s position since a loss could mean Tun can be replaced. During his first stint as Deputy Prime Minister to Tun M long Ago, Anwar made a public appeal to the rakyat to report any known corruption to him personally, by promising them safety in return for being whistleblowers. This action of his nevertheless infuriate Tun M who then instructed Megan Junid Megat Ayub to plot his downfall.

Finance, is a far better alternative than the all powerful Home Ministry considering all the dramas acting out recently in our political arena. If Anwar is power crazy and fear others would topple him, he could have given himself the Home Ministry instead, since the Police, Immigration, MACC, the judiciary, are all within this portfolio. But he did not. As the PM, I suspect Anwar knows he should not be seen as the PM who could puppet the outcome of the court clusters or to press charges against financial discrepancies happening during Mahiaddin’s or Sabri’s tenure, if there are any. The judiciary, the MACC and the police force, has to be seen to be independent therefore he cannot afford the accusation in case any of them are brought to court, albeit they win or lose. As a step towards the independence of our judiciary, the Majlis Raja Raja has proposed to relief Anwar, as PM, from appointing the remaining five federal court judges.

Yes, all of us secretly wanted to see the all familiar faces in this new cabinet. And we are also concern with two names that sticks out like a sore thumb. Zahid and Zafrul. But for those who favours Zulkefly Ahmad, Yeo Bee Yin, Gobind Singh, KJ, etc. or even Syed Saddiq for that matter, I’m sure they are not left out as deputies except KJ who I believe would have accepted Anwar’s offer if not for Tok Mat in the cabinet.

Only that when the quota for cabinet positions is small for every party, compromises needed to be made, and in such cases, it is very usual that party presidents, deputy presidents and their Secretary General will get first priority as full ministers in the formation of the cabinet. Anwar too needed to ensure a fair distribution of woman inside his cabinet as well as the representation of the various ethnic races and states. And that is exactly what’s happening now. It is not an easy job sorting out the list of potentials, and naming the wrong person could very well break Anwar’s integrity but in the end, we should all be happy that 12 key full minister positions fairly went to PH party members since they earn the largest mandate, followed by BN and GPS.

No one, not even their own party members could imagine that PH and BN would one day become odd sleep mates. Zahid needs to consolidate his position after BNs bad showing and his party’s call for his immediate resignation, and Zahid knew only a stronger UMNO can regain back the spillover of votes to PN and PAS whom benefitted substantially from their failure. With this, he now finds solace with his new found partner, and hopefully work wisely and repent from his misdeeds, until fate would eventually decide his worthiness. A strong UMNO will be the downfall of PN and PAS. PH on the other hand, right now needed the numbers to form a solid government.

And all else, is yet to see. We should not be too hasty to judge this time around. We should learn to discard our ‘once an opposition, always an opposition’ mentality and go with the flow. Since it is a blue ocean cabinet, our Agong and Raja Raja’s also made some surprisingly wise blue ocean decisions, and we should be grateful that no untoward scene happen in the aftermath of GE15 through their intervention. Cos none of us initially thought that Anwar will be PM10 with all the resistance he face from PN.

Without fear nor favour

By right, Parliament is the correct platform where the choice of PM is selected by virtue of federal constitution rules. Either by ‘show of hands’ or ‘secret ballot’. And by right, an MP when Parliament convenes, becomes the mouthpiece of his electorate and the rakyat, not his party. So he vote for whoever he deems fit without fear nor favour, without being penalised or answerable to his party. His decision is based upon who he, as an MP thinks is fit to lead our country from the candidate proposed and seconded on the floor by the party whom ‘commands the majority of seats in Parliament’, in this case PH. Because PH is a legitimate registered political party. And if PH has only one name, there is no need for a vote of confidence. Parliament just has to endorse Anwar. The Agong then approves it. Parliament seems to have screwed up the entire electoral process of choosing for a Prime Minister and our Agong, ill advised.

Pointing Fingers

GPS went into the ring pointing fingers at the federal for Sarawak’s plight and lack of privileges. So are other states GPS, so are other states. So, you do not need to single yourself out as special and capitalise on that to win votes, which is your ulterior motive. Kingmaker or no kingmaker, every party who decides to shift from one party to another to enable a government to be formed are also kingmakers , not only you. Your arrogance leaves a bitter taste inside our mouths. Your stupidity is laughably. You claim Sarawak was slighted for sixty years. What about your bumiputera statuses? Wasn’t it extended to your people? How about the MPs your residents voted for and the state excos and their representations in Parliament for the last sixty years ? Did they not debate and fight favourably for your benefit? It has always been steered and piloted by Sarawakians for Sarawakians. And the votes came from Sarawak. Thus the arrows should be directed to them and also your own people for poor exertion instead of blaming the people and the federal government of the peninsula. That is unfair and absolutely deceiving. If there are any systemic sidelining of your state and diversion of coffers , and Sarawak has not progressed, perhaps you may prefer to probe Taib Mahmud instead. Right now, brace for negotiations with open arms instead of confronting other parties with a tight fist and high handed bitterness. Charge Taib Mahmud if you will since you are helming Sarawak now. Why don’t you? My two cents.

Abuse Of Power

Invoke had once again been raided and documents seized. Invoke has also received notices from the Customs Department to inspect their premise. Since Rafizi is currently busy with his nightly election cockers, it leaves us to ponder why don’t they wait till the elections is over? Is it to disrupt his momentum on winning seats for PH? Or to uncover the source behind Invoke’s funding capability? Deploying underhand tactics and our executive machinery to scare, intimidate or uncover evidences to implicate a candidate is a sure sign of desperation by a losing government and a blatant abuse of power. There is nothing more deplorable than to watch how they abuse power to retain power. Democracy is dead in their hands. Regrettable, but it already happened.

Election Laws

As a seasoned politician, Zahid is unfit to lead. In his capacity as party president, he is supposed to be familiar with election laws and the functions of the Agong in appointing the PM of the day. But when he made the statement that our Agong would be given a few names to choose from, he is either deceiving the rakyat or totally unclear of the rules and function of our Agong. Our Agong merely ‘appoints’. He is not tasked to ‘pick’ his favourite candidate. Which means Zahid clearly has nothing inside his head. Inside the Federal constitution, for it is written, our Agong merely ‘acts on advice’. [Article 40] Even-though the Agong may act in his discretion in the appointment of a Prime Minister [40(2)(a)], the Agong is not tasked to shop around and choose who he prefers. Rather, the Agong merely endorses the candidate ‘who in his judgement is likely to command the confidence of the majority of the members of that house [43(2)]. And this majority comes from the party/coalition that wins the election. It is common procedure that after the elections, the coalition who wins the government gets to submit the name of the candidate of their choice to the Agong for endorsement. And not the loser. And it doesn’t necessarily need to be more than one name unless the majority is undecided.

But if the majority has agreed and is certain who they want which means this candidate is supported by the majority, then, the Agong has no choice but to abide to the wishes of the MPs in support of who they think is the rightful candidate. Not unless the candidate they chose is disqualified [48]. Thus, It is misleading to believe our Agong has the right to select who he wants.

Thus, during the previous coup after which the backdoor government is formed, the crooks uses the power of the Agong to gag the public who then requested for SDs from each MP so that the end result would be to their liking. This procedure was ill advised by the Haron brothers whom twisted the constitution to manipulate the outcome.

There are throughout every living democracy only two types of voting procedures. The first is by ‘show of hands’ and the second is by ‘secret vote’. Show of hands is where hands are raised in support of the candidate and the results tabulated right before the eyes of every voter. Using secret ballot, the tabulation is the same. Only that the way they vote is casted by naming your preferred candidate inside a piece of paper. SDs? A deceptive ploy unless each and every copy is displayed for the house to tabulate the results.

Can I tell you something?

I am startled at the sizeable assets these politicians have brought to the table when asked to declare their assets. Seems to me that to be a politician, you need to be rich to be able to give away free provisions to bribe the voters. But I don’t understand how is it that they kept on claiming that their party is poor and that’s why they need to do crowd funding when some of them even have enough to support their own constituency for a full term!

Perils of our Anti Hopping Act

When 222 MPs voted for the Anti Hopping law to be passed without noticing or realising the loopholes in the Act, that is to me, not a mistake. For I cannot imagine matters of such importance fails the scrutiny of 444 opened eyes? many of whom are practicing lawyers when it was deliberated and tabled in Parliament, or that this issue was never brought up in party meetings before? not unless they were all sleeping on the job. Another more convincing reason would be that it was left there as a safety net, sort of a pressure relieve valve. Because if 222 MPs could miss such glaring flaws, I hate to say this but our country is better off without them.

In the Act so it was summarised, “no individuals can party hop without a by-election being called, not unless their respective party ceases to exist or that the individual is sacked.” (Not in its exact words) It makes one ponder if it is more menacing to leave that lice crawling all over your head for years at end, then let it leave voluntarily or to nip it in the bud~ I mean, to exterminate it ?

Affected parties I heard are now hastily amending their own party constitution to plug in these two glaring loopholes sometimes I wonder how they could side step the umbrella ruling preferably amended with a 2/3rds majority inside parliament.

And what happens if let’s say parties (instead of individuals) hop en bloc to form coalitions at the expense of our voting choices, and against their own doctrine, ideology and election manifesto? Aren’t that too much of a compromise to make especially when it comes to infringing our rakyats liberty and freedom of choice?

So what does these two flaws have to say about the Anti Hopping Act so far?

One more thing… are the coalitions legitimately formed and registered with the Societies Act? Who are the named component parties in these legitimate coalition? And are these component parties barred from joining/forming other coalitions?

I hate to imagine the consequences if in the event no single party commands a simple majority in Parliament this coming GE15~ my concern is “Just how many of them would be caught sleeping with their enemy in the end for the sake of power and control?” Because at the end of the day, when the curtains draw to a close, the coalition association patterns is likely going to be~ police making camps with police, thieves with thieves, religious with religious…
If Sheraton Move can happen once before , what makes you think it won’t happen again?”

Qualities of a leader

“I value wisdom more than intellect, integrity more than capability, humility more than eloquence, patriotism more than charisma, a doer more than a dreamer besides one who inculcates stability in the country more than progress and meritocracy more than equality. These are the qualities I prefer in a leader. And I will give leaders who promote quota beit by race, seniority, sex or special privileges a miss. Albeit in education, work, government contracts, budget, promotion opportunities or the likes.
My concerns I’m sure are many peoples concern. Why can’t we give ten women candidates a chance if they display better leadership skills than ten foul mouthed men in Parliament? Why do we keep flooding our market with lorry loads of professionals who underperforms as undergraduate students? Why do we deny placements in universities for brilliant students into courses and electives they prefer eventhough they qualify?
If idiots are all garlanded with assorted degrees, soon, we would all be living with scalpels left inside our bodies, bridges and buildings that fails, a falling ringgit, and continue to have politicians who are convinced changing white shoes to black have effect over our students performance. We already have a minister who thought hot water can cure Covid, and another so excited about flying cars.
By your thoughtless quotas, you only create animosity, mistrust and anger amongst the non Malays, then wonders why they wouldn’t vote for you in each and every election.”

Nothing Intellectual

“There is nothing intellectual to steer us away from an economic collapse if we study BN’s or PN’s manifesto as compared to PH’s, and their election budget and handouts are signs of a desperate need to cling onto power. Handouts though tempting brings no benefit to our country. And if you love our country, you should reject the handouts which btw is communism which btw is non Islamic.
When we do something for ourselves, we must also consider the impact of our actions measured against the consequences it has over the entire community, state where we live and nation. Not just your own family. Right now, we cannot have a band of robbers running our country .”

The Pretentious Plunderer

Special privileges is the fervent that shrouds everything good that could happen in our country. Its stay within our society has severely affected the psyche and conduct of our Malay brethren, hatched through the protectionist policies of their own race as enshrined inside the constitution, mooted in cahoot with our colonial masters whom by the way, was instrumental in the setting up of the MCA. This was so because Britain has spelt out to Onn Jaafar and Tunku in their negotiations towards independence that the Chineses’ must be included in the equation, no two ways about it.

After the racial riots of ‘69, these special privileges enshrined under Article 153 bloated under the chair of the National Operations Council headed by Abdul Razak. The outcome, a twenty years effort of spurious socio-economic restructuring guised as the ‘New Economic Policy’ to close the gap of competitiveness through fairer distribution of opportunities ‘irrespective of race’. (Not in its exact words). Economic disparity between the rich and poor and so they concluded was the spark that leads to the animosity, because it prevented unity and harmony amongst the people, therefore the need for the NEP. About the same time, they launch yet another initiative known as the National Culture Policy (NCP) designed to assimilate the non-Malays into the Malay culture. This was eventually dismissed by Dr. Mahathir’s Bangsa Malaysia initiative in the 90s, which was to create an inclusive national identity for all inhabitants of Malaysia, not only the Malay ethnicity alone. As usual, it was met with heavy resistance but that is another story altogether. Anyway, by just observing the enterprising spirit and philanthropic habits of the Chinese pre and post independence, it was easy to determine who were the more prosperous party, and thus began the mass assault towards the Chinese enterprises.

Abdul Razak was a brilliant man. He was careful not to curtail the economic activities of the Chinese because he knew they were the country’s engines of growth. Instead, he imposed a 30% bumiputra equity on all Initial Public offerings (IPO). Abdul Razak knew exactly where and when to cut in. On the ground, many sore Malay ultras and extremists took it upon themselves to retaliate and rebut the Chinese whom they blamed for the unrest. Their weapon, the clandestine restrictions on Chinese rights. As time passes by, more and more brilliant Chinese students were denied placements in public universities. This was also felt in the civil sectors where jobs and promotions went to the underdogs. And so are lucrative government contracts. But despite the multi-prong abuse of the NEP usurping their rights, the Chineses’ somehow managed to gallop through the quicksand piggybacking the Malays as our pillion. But to the talented and capable Chinese who can’t see a promising future arising through these initiatives, exodus became an option. And with that comes the talent and brain drain.

Not long after Abdul Razak revamped the education system by intermarrying the best he gathers from the Baines Report with the Fern Wu, and after establishing diplomatic ties with mainland China, he passed on, apparently from leukaemia. His brother in law Hussein Onn, the deputy, then took over the reins but subsequently resigned because of ill health. The premiership eventually fell onto the lap of his successor Dr. Mahathir, handpicked by Abdul Razak. And as it was written, his style of leadership must have left Hussein Onn flabbergasted that not long after, Hussein Onn needed to realign himself with the Tunku to rally the downfall of this maverick of a character.

Dr. Mahathir Mohamed, as Prime Minister no. 4, have no high regards for Abdul Razak’s cross-cultural programs nor anything the rulers had to say. Clutching in his hands Malay supremacy as his weapon which wasn’t his birthright to begin with, he cleverly wears them as his sword and armour, and accumulated a large following, occasionally shielding himself under the pinions of the Langkawi eagle, his fortress, whenever he feels ostracised. Mahathir first naturalises himself by marrying into the race, apparently setting the trend for Bangladeshi workers, then twitches the constitution from the inside so he could wear a new skin and with that, he created many an Aryan clone of himself the likes of Ridhuan Tee who woke up one day to the glorious realisation that they were indeed shapeshifters, one capable of abandoning their origin for another which carries more prospects.

From the day he took over the reins of our government, Dr. Mahathir made sure the Malays remained docile on government aid, so that they won’t lean on their sultans for assistance in times of crisis. Thus he kept the tap flowing, nevertheless reducing the rulers significance, which he eventually strips them off their immunity at an opportune time capitalising on the outcry from the public towards royal transgression of the law. He was also implicated to be the curtain drawer towards the downfall of every prime minister that came before and after him.

To enrich himself, he helped some of his cronies to become millionaires, then billionaires and then exploited them fully, to grease his war chest. As for the rest, he planted them onto every regulatory government agency he privatises so he could, in his alibi, sack those who underperformed, not possible if the agency is still government owned. Before long, all his henchmen including those from the coalition were quick to emulate him. His own party became a breeding ground for many power-crazy and money-hungry leeches. The outcome, the mass sprouting of elite families and aristocrats who wasted no time enriching themselves and their immediate families. To safeguard their own position and wealth, each insinuated his own followers into warring factions spawned by infighting. The so-called ‘divide and rule policy’. And when the members were kept busy fighting amongst themselves, they gather the nations prosperity into their own pockets, which wasn’t possible if not aided by Malay Supremacy and it’s special position in the constitution. These careless usurping gradually forces many larger corporations to relocate their bases out of the country so that their phone lines doesn’t keep on ringing. But it kept Dr Mahathir in power, as strings of members latched onto him for solace from these predators.

If protecting one’s own race and community is humane and natural, then, robbing one’s own kind is pathetically gangland piracy. But in this case, it is not his own kind. And even if it is his own kind, is he to blame when he was bred and fed on the fields of red and white etched onto his party flag, as if in paying homage to the Red & White Flag Society once infamous for its notoriety and control of the tin mines of yesteryear, again guised as Sang Saka? And why doesn’t it bother the members how Mahathir a/l Iskandar Kutty could have his membership approved into their party, climbing up in rank to become their president when the strict definition of Malay was bent only after he amended them? Whose IC was he using or did he fake his membership? Who approves it? Because if his membership since day one is invalid, so is his entire premiership.

Which means to say that Mahathir’s most memorable legacy is to fight for a race not his, to benefit himself. Other than that, the shit he created for genuinely poor Malays being deprived of opportunities is devastating. The ones who benefitted from these special privileges was indeed his cronies.

By the time he left office as PM no. 4, Dr Mahathir has wasted a stream of fine talented deputies. Musa Hitam, Ghafar Baba, Anwar Ibrahim, Abdullah Badawi. One by one, he edged them to rest except for Ghafar Baba, the schoolteacher who lost to Anwar in the wrestle for party post no. 2. Nicknamed ‘IBM’ by the locals which stands for International Big Mouth and a ‘recalcitrant’ by a hedge fund manager, he weakened the ringgit down two notches with his amateurish stance, nearly forcing the country to receivership. He then pegs our ringgit to the US dollar to prevent further assaults. And wrestle off many Chinese banks giving them datelines to merge. When Razaleigh Hamzah posed a challenge to his leadership, he got UMNO deregistered, formed a new one, then deny Razaleigh and his supporters entry into UMNO baru.

Mahathir’s mission to wipe out Umno is again personal. Its dissolution would have benefited his rebuttal. For one, it is a redundant party that could not guarantee his son’s ascension, and two, he could once and for all, safely ensure all the scars, stains and scale of his corrupt practices be completely wiped off before his time is over, dangerous when traces of paper concerning his misdeeds are still lying around. Thirdly, sixty years of Umno’s funds, vested assets, inherited IPOs and investments would be better redistributed and an added windfall to his fortune. Fourth, the party is of no use to him anymore considering his age. Lastly, he could foresee the harm it could do to the country. In his own words, it has become a corrupt party synonymously led by kleptocrats where everyone thinks of himself and not the country. Besides this, beneficiaries who have won government contracts without open tender sold their stakes for quick profits. It is a wonder he didn’t realise that was the unfortunate outcome of his own administration.

Eventually it was through his orchestration that Umno and it’s coalition parties were crippled by the people during GE14. He plotted its overthrow, by being voted back as prime minister number seven promising reforms but subsequently, he surrendered in favour of Malay Supremacy. Dr Mahathir’s most glaring folly which gradually betrays his character was his hasty resignation as comeback PM, and chairman of both Pakatan Harapan and his own party on the same day the ‘Sheraton Move’ was announced. As a chessboard master, it seems he opined it’s happening when he could have salvaged his position by calling for ‘‘Operation Lallang II” something he did as prime minister number four and crushed his opponents in one fell swoop. But he did not. Rumours has it that he was blackmailed to desert Pakatan Harapan and cripple DAP for being a threat to their special privileges, but since he did not want to get his own hands stained, he sent his henchmen Azmin and Mahiaddin to hijack the country on his behalf, and then passes them back to the kleptocrats so they could undo the threats whilst at the same time, sending both Azmin Ali and Mahiaddin Yassin to the chopping block for being contenders to his son’s ascension. But can Mukhriz deliver his father’s wishes with his lacklustre performance as Menteri Besar of Kedah, most likely the effects again of having received more than he could imagine, his fair share of entitlement, therefore his indolence?

Without a sprinkle of some ‘Malay Magic’, it would be an uphill task to guide the Malays out of the bondage of entitlement, not that they still depended on it, which is also the root cause of their inferiority, misery and unhappiness, no thanks to the Mamak whom they looked upon highly and trusted, but did them a disservice. The aftermath, a bewildered race whom are mostly pampered, lawless and indolent. Pampered because of special privileges- the classic “What Jack wants, Jack gets” case. Lawless because rules can bend in their favour beit crime, offences or verdict. And indolent because even the most stupid in their bloodline gets to walk the priority lane ahead of the most intelligent of other races effortlessly, which essentially explains the overstaffed civil service filled with half baked personnels in every department and sector, including our all familiar ministerial cabinet. Besides this, they have missed a point completely. Receiving handouts is basically communism, a practice shunned in Islam.

Our country has shown to the world what special privileges could do to anyone if it went uncontrolled. It can destroy anyone the same way it did our convicted ex-6th prime minister Najib who oozes out these deplorable traits of being pampered which resulted in him displaying traits of lawlessness and indolence . That is the reason why Najib chose to rob. And that is why he is now on the receiving end of the after effects of special privileges.

Dream State

“Anwar is forever in dream state.
If there’s anyone who could do ph in, is his compromise to work with the spiteful old fox whom are trying very hard to finish ph off by proposing to work with anwar because this old fox knew that this is the only way ph can lose in this coming election. I believe this old fox is heavily compensated for this effort to finish off ph the same way he was heavily compensated to allow Sheraton move to happen. That is also the reason why this old fox made a public announcement very early on to want to work with anwar so that anwar’s and ph supporters will lose faith in ph. It’s reverse psychology. I hope anwar will not fall into this old fox’s ploy by discussing or working with the old fox. If he does, either anwar is a total blurr clock or that anwar is also paid heavily to lose. Something no one could have guessed his continuous loss.”

For Whom The Bell Tolls

“For whom the bell tolls and when it tolls if it tolls, the somber melodies emanating from the bagpipes and bugles will permeate through the gables and tympanums at Westminster and Buckingham, honouring a well respected queen in all her glorious majesty. But after the wreathes has been garlanded, and the pageantry dissipates, and the comforting congregation and dignitaries have all disperse, the silence will occur on Charles as the weight of the palace caves in onto his shoulders, and he will suddenly find himself all alone, with no one to turn to anymore than his paid servants and guards, and sandstone caryatids for company. And when night falls, the hums reverberating from the morning past will echo in his ears as silhouettes of Diana wails and screams through the maze of passages. Hopefully by then, he will realise that he should, within his ability and strength, spend a moment to reconcile his past misdeeds and fits of temper, because his honeymoon period is over and done with, and public duty now begins. That will form the backbone of his saving grace.”

Take It Easy

Take it easy. Let the anxiousness of our falling ringgit takes care of itself.
Ever since the beginning, everyone is aware that our government champions poor governance. Yet all the curses and words hurled at them and flying around in coffeeshop talks, dissipates when those who know chose not to defy the government, nor volunteer to assist those who can.
How we are today is the direct result of complacency, because most chose to care for themselves and convince themselves that nothing we say or do can change about situations and things. Which means, it is all up to us individually to bring the slightest change if we want to.
This problem is not only about foreign direct investments pulling out? It is also about our shortsighted government whom are not making the exporting of goods or services attractive enough and as their chief agenda. And lastly, some of us including our neighbours who chose to help, helps by converting their savings into other currencies and selling our ringgit. Complex?